
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022


LIKN ENCUESTA         https://forms.gle/4Z9JRwj32DugH3pt9




Marketing research process  Problem definition  What is the problem? The problem is the competition in the market.  A lot of expense and delay in preparing food.  where is the problem? The market  In households  Who is being affected with this problem? It affects the creators of the product since there are other brands better positioned in the market.  Specifying research objectives What is the actual situation As it is a new product with little trajectory, competition will be more complex due to the fact that there are other brands better positioned in the market.    Wich key issued are realated with the situation  Competition  Positioning  Brands  Expenses  Time How to create an action plan  Creating research design Flow chart (what to do ) - Flujograma  Collect the data What kind of in information do you need? A market study will be carried out through surveys collecting information in a descriptive way to see how much purchase value our product can have and what impact it will hav